Beautiful collection of Microsoft Teams 365 GUI Interface Icons
80× Symbol Icons (160× total)
2× different Colors (Teams-Blue,White)
INCLUDING SYMBOLS alert, alert off, approvals app, apps, app folder, attach, calendar add, calendar ltr, call, call add, call dismiss, call end, call forward, call inbound, call missed, call outbound, call park, call prohibited, call transfer, call warning, cast, chat, checkbox checked, checkbox unchecked, closed caption, compose, contact card, dialpad, dismiss, document, emoji, gif, hd, headset, important, lock closed, meet now, mic, mic off, mic prohibited, mic pulse, mic pulse off, more horizontal, page fit, pause, people, people add, people team, pin, pin off, preview link, print, pulse, question circle, record, rectangle landscape, ribbon, scan camera, send, settings, share screen person, share screen person overlay, share screen person overlay inside, share screen start, share screen stop, shield, shield keyhole, signature, slide text, speaker 1, speaker 2, speaker off, sticker, text edit style, video, video background effect, video off, video prohibited, window new, teams logo, pre and many more...