「Alive Studio byGMOペパボ」が提供している200点以上の効果音・BGMや1,400点以上の商用利用可能な画像素材の中から好きな効果音・BGMや素材(背景・前景・小物)を「Stream Deck」にあらかじめ設定することで、クリエイターは瞬時に、効果音・BGMの再生や素材の切り替え可能になります。特に、ゲーム配信などの作業をしながら配信を行っているクリエイターはこれまでは難しかった作業中の効果音再生や状況に応じた背景切り替えなどが容易にできるようになります。
“Alive Studio Plugin byGMO Pepabo, inc.” offers over 200 sound effects and background music tracks, as well as more than 1,400 commercially available image materials, including backgrounds, foregrounds, and props. By pre-setting favorite sound effects, BGM, or materials on the “Stream Deck,” creators can instantly play sound effects and BGM or switch materials (backgrounds, foregrounds, props). This makes it easier for creators, especially those doing game streams or multitasking during broadcasts, to manage tasks like sound effect playback or changing backgrounds based on the situation—tasks that were previously difficult to handle while streaming.