Beautiful collection of Interface and Gameplay-Shortcut Icons Inspired by Counter Strike 2
- 99× Symbol Icons (693× total)
- 6× different Background Colors (Daintree-Black,Yellow,Orange,Gray,Mariner-Blue)
INCLUDING SYMBOLS ak47, bullets awp, bullets clock, bullets deagle, bullets xm1014 casing, chicken, crosshair, cs2 logo, defuse multimeter, defuse pliers, misc c4 planted, misc kill headshot, misc missle, misc multipleenemieshere, misc needbackup, misc parachute, misc rescue, misc shopping cart, misc teamcounter dominated dead, misc usa flag, misc usa flag 2, misc vip, misc votesurrender, c4, c4 defuser, decoy, flashbang, grenate clean, healthshot, hegrenade, incendiarygrenade, kevlar, kevlar hemlet, knife bayonet, knife bowie, knife butterfly, knife canis, knife cord, knife css, knife default ct, knife default t, knife falchion, knife flip, knife m9, knife navaja, knife outdoor, knife ursus, machine gun m249, machine gun negev, molotov, pistol beretta, pistol cz75a, pistol deagle, pistol elite dual, pistol fiveseven, pistol glock18, pistol hkp2000, pistol p250, pistol revolver, pistol taser, pistol tec9, pistol usp silencer, rif ak47, rif aug, rif famas, rif galilar, rif m4a1 silencer, rif m4a4, rif sg556, shield, shot mag7, shot nova, shot sawedoff, shot xm1014, smg bizon, smg mac10, smg mp5sd, smg mp7, smg mp9, smg p90, smg ump45, smokegrenade, smokegrenade 2, sniper awp, sniper g3sg1, sniper scar20, sniper ssg08, weapons, and many more...
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