
Windows 11 Green-Theme Premium



Beautiful collection of Windows 11 System Interface Symbols based on the Microsoft Fluent System Font

  • 750× Symbol Icons (5250× total)
  • 7× Lime-Citrus-Green Color Touch Themes

INCLUDING SYMBOLS accept, accident, accounts, action, center, asterisk, notification, add, friend, remote, device, surface, hub,admin, airplane, align, apps, mirrored, annotation, application, guard, area, chart, aspect, ratio, attach, camera, audio, back, space, qwerty, window, background, toggle, badge, band, battery, bank, barcode, scanner, block, contact, blocked, blue, light, bluetooth, body, cam, bold, bookmarks, brightness, broom, browse, photos, brush, size, building, energy, bulleted, list, console, gateway, router, generic, scan, gif, giftbox, global, nav, button, globe, go, message, start, goto, today, grid, view, gripper, horizontal, vertical, groceries, group, guest, user, half, dull, sound, handwriting, hang, hard, headless, headphone, headset, health, heart, broken, help, hide, bcc, highlight, history, hmd, holo, lens, home, hwp, scratch, out, i, beam, outline, d, image, import, important, in, private, incoming, caret, interactive, dashboard, internet, sharing, iot, italic, keyboard, dismiss, lower, narrow, shortcut, kiosk, knowledge, article, label, orientation, secure, selected, large, leaf, leave, led, arrow, quote, lexicon, library, lightbulb, lightning, bolt, like, line, link, locale, location, lockscreen and many more...

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