This pack is made only for the Stream Deck XL device and is for MAC only.
Turn your Stream Deck XL device into a fully functioning color control surface
for Davinci Resolve*.
With this pack and your Stream Deck XL device you have access to and can control most parameters in the Color Room workspace.
Color Grade in Primary Color, Primary Log and HDR, control secondaries with all of the Qualifier controls, adjust Power Window parameters, control Tracking, fine tune Mattes and Keys, adjust Sizing, manipulate Printer Lights all with your Stream Deck device. Control Curves, Magic Mask, Dolby Vision, Blur, RGB Mixer, and Color Warper plus you can adjust OFX parameters with our Custom Keys page.
Save thousands of dollars by gaining access to the same controls and ease of use as Pro Grade panels.
Included are 5 full pre-programmed profiles for the most common display resolutions and a generic profile ensuring no matter what your system setup is, there is a solution for you.
Comes with pre-built suites of profiles for the following single monitor display resolutions:
1920 x 1080 2048 x 1152 2240 x 1260 2560 x 1440 2880 x 1620
You don’t need to record key positions if your system matches one of the above criteria. Your profile is ready to go.
If your resolution differs or you are using a dual monitor configuration you can use the included Generic suite of Profiles and record the positions of your Davinci Workstation controls yourself quickly and easily.**
Recording of the positions is as simple as hovering your mouse over the coordinate and pressing the corresponding key on your device.
The position is now saved in your profile and you never need to program again unless you change your layout.
You only need to record the parameters you want and you can add more keys at any time.
**In Dual Monitor configurations, the Main Davinci GUI needs to be on your main computer’s display (not your secondary display)
Watch the Installation video https://youtu.be/7XbDfZbTZqA?si=lsDg4l_KI5ANLe-d
Bonus: We have also included the full Grading section from our Davinci Pro Pack.
Compatible with Davinci Resolve 18.6 and below.
*DAVINCI RESOLVE, DAVINCI, RESOLVE, the DAVINCI RESOLVE Logo and icon are trade marks of Blackmagic Design Pty Ltd.
SideshowFx Inc. are not affiliated, associated, or endorsed by Blackmagic Design Pty Ltd.
What's new?
- Davinci Resolve 19 compatible
- Color Slice page controls added
- Updated the Grading folder to align with Davinci Resolve 19
- Added two new pre-programmed resolution profiles - 3008x1692 and 3200x1800
- Added German keyboard layout versions of all 8 profiles
631.45 MB
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