5 things you didn't know about Stream Deck

Chris McNamara
Technical Marketing Specialist
April 11, 2023

Stream Deck is the ultimate tactile controller for your studio. From nested folders to Stream Deck SDK, this article goes over five things you may not know about your handy interface.
Folders within folders
Folders help organize your favorite plugins and actions. But did you know you can store even more plugins by creating a folder within a folder? Simply drag the Folder action over to an existing folder — it's that simple.
This is especially handy for users of Stream Deck Mini, Stream Deck, and Stream Deck XL power users.
Siri voice control
Stream Deck Mobile is an integral part of any workflow, especially when streaming away from your desk with an iPhone. If your hands are full, just ask Siri to execute actions for you.
Chefs, artists, mechanics, and creators who get their hands wet — this is the solution you've been looking for.
Switch between profiles
Profiles contain unique key configurations for different apps or workflows. For example, you could create one profile for streaming, one for working from home, and one for trolling your friends.
Switch between these profiles on the fly with a tap of a key. That way you always have instant access to the actions you need.
Back up your profiles
You spend time filling your Stream Deck with actions and profiles. You ensure all your scenes are working, set the perfect volume for sound effects, and create custom key icons. Make sure all that hard work doesn't go to waste! To make sure you never lose your key profiles, be sure to save them as external files on your PC.
Find out how to back up and recover profiles.Using smart profiles
You can also create smart profiles for applications such as Adobe Photoshop or Premiere, Microsoft Teams, and more.
With smart profiles, your device will switch profiles based on whichever app is in the foreground. As long as your Stream Deck app is minimized, it's all done automatically and on the fly. Smart profiles can greatly improve your productivity and workflow — try them out!
Learn more about smart profiles.Create your own plugins
Stream Deck is powered by plugins. Some change scenes, some turn on lights, and some display computer data such as CPU temperature or ram usage. Have an idea for a plugin?
With a little coding know-how, creating your own plugin is fairly easy. Especially since the Stream Deck SDK is available free to everyone. You can even submit your plugin to Marketplace and share it with the Elgato community.
Discover the Stream Deck SDK.